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I write about the technical and non-technical aspects of software development

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Posts in the 'Web Development' category

Getting away with it
Getting away with it

We've seen how some organisations cut corners and play fast and loose with best practices. Now we'll see how they can still succeed in spite of the consequences.

Testing times
Testing times

Shortcuts on testing and quality assurance is a favourite choice amongst time-poor, resource-poor organisation.

Analyse this!
Analyse this!

A popular shortcut in software teams is to leap over the analysis phase, with the expectation that issues will be found and easily resolved during the development or implementation phases.

There is no Plan A!
There is no Plan A!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, so goes the saying. Yet skipping or cutting back on planning work and discussions is an important shortcut for many organisations.

Data capture
Data capture

One of the most common requirements of a software application is to get users to enter data.
This could be a survey, an online form for a loan application, the need to complete a profile or purchase, or simply to login or verify identity.

Where do bugs come from?
Where do bugs come from?

Why does software have bugs? How and why do they get into your applications?

For the love of software development
For the love of software development

Last year I was offered the opportunity to leave software application development behind, to pursue a new career. I couldn't do it.